Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Book Report

In grade school we wrote book reports, in college we wrote critiques, in the real world we throw books on the ground. During my 22 day venture through SE Asia I managed to power through 2 novels and a bunch of paper bounded together categorized as a novel but more appropriately described as expensive kindling.

The Amazing Adventures of Kavaleir and Clay has been sitting in my book pile, haunting me, beckoning me, for years. I read through the first third of the novel numerous times, and inevitably somehow, for some reason or another the book would be forgotten, delayed, and placed off to the side. So as I packed my things in preparation for my trip I made a point to bring it along.

Anyway, I read it. I smoothed through the first third per usual and thanks to the serenity that was my guestroom in Luang Prabang, Laos, the second part came easier than ever. In the end I recommend this novel not for it's magnificent first and third acts as much as I recommend it as a perfect example of the way to tell a great story. A whole story with peaks and valleys and in the end I felt like a little better person.

I proceeded to the book exchange, run by a charming English woman and her psychotic dog in a back alley overlooking the Nam Khan river. One of the most difficult tasks in my existence is choosing a new book to read. I spent an hour or so going back and forth, back and forth through the small but respectable selection and only The Shipping News by Anne Proulx caught any of my attention. And why not? Kavalier and Clay was a Pulitzer Prize winner, The Shipping News was a Pulitzer Prize winner, yes, why not?

Read it.

Don't read it too fast or you will end up left with two days in Vientiane and nothing to read. You will go to a bookstore and choose a short novel with "New York Times Bestseller" at the top. It will be called The Devil and Mrs. Prym. Because it is short you will be halfway done with it about a quarter of the way after you decided it was organized garbage. It's too late to give up so you will finish it. You will throw in on the floor of your guesthouse and leave it there.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Telling my dad I was going to Vietnam was like telling him I bought Giants season tickets or that I hated the Beatles. Except for the fact that I really was going to Vietnam. His answer? "You are paying to go to Vietnam?" You see he got a free trip there, well technically he got paid to go there, just not very much.

Yes, I was headed to Vietnam, not only Vietnam but their two equally communist neighbors, Cambodia and Laos. No, I didn't go to China, what do you think I am, a jerk? (Definitely going to China, eventually.)

First stop, Ho Chi Minh City, better known as Saigon, more accurately described as Moped City.

It is a city swollen with sweat, choked by smog, littered with history, and filled with delicious food. Pho, it's all the rage right now, well I am happy to report I had the best Pho, ever, at a food stall in Saigon. I am also happy to report that my pronounciation of Pho, shockingly enough (not really I am always right) is the correct pronounciation of Pho.

The old US Embassy in Saigon makes any red-blooded American nostalgic for the days of colonialism. History smistery, all I was thinking about while we were exploring the place was the wild parties that undoubtedly went down in the old building. It is a beautiful, open air structure, reminds me a lot of the buildings of another colonial conquest that we manages to hold onto, Hawaii.

I felt claustrophobic in the Cu Chi Tunnels, I felt scared out of my wits riding on the back of a moped in Saigon traffic, I felt shady as hell buying oregano in a back alley, and I felt damn happy to head to Nha Trang for some beach time...

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Muido Trip (thanks for the pictures Dave), my new hood, partying, some of my students, Suwon fortress wall.

Monday, September 21, 2009


If you are confused by the headline then you ought to be. Back from where? Didn't you just leave? Huh? Oh...back to blogging. When I left California to head back here to Korea I had three main goals in mind. Spend less money, read more, and write more. I am proud to say I have failed miserably at two of the three. I think you can guess which two. Hint, I have eaten in my apartment twice, well three times if you count the bowl of rice I ate there this morning. And I haven't failed like the thirteen year-old version of myself who was cut from the 8th grade basketball team it was more like the thirteen year old version of myself who dumped his girlfriend because he was too scared to call her. Anyhow, it's about damn time I updated this here goes.

I arrived in Korea August 22nd. I then was put through a week-long orientation in order to prepare me for the trials and tribulations or being an English teacher in Seoul. The orientation was mundane. Met a lot of cool people though, mostly felt like my first week in the freshman dorms. I learned.

So after a week long orientation I was itching to get out and make something of this adventure. We were loaded onto buses like livestock and sent off to meet our Co-teachers and Boss-people. It was a mess. There were about 100 high school teachers at orientation, and all of us were sent to a high school soccer field in downtown Seoul where we were unceremoniously dumped off to a raging mosh pit of Koreans looking for the fresh piece of foreign meat that would become their English firing target for the year. Some had signs with our names on them, most didn't, it was pure chaos. Inexplicably, I somehow located my name written in tiny ballpoint pen being held above the fray. I walked towards my name, my name walked away, I chased it, and eventually, I caught up.

Next thing I know I am in a car with my new Korean co-teacher and according to her, my boss. After one of the most terrifying car rides of my life I somehow, beyond logic, arrived at my new apartment. I was excited because as we pulled up I was told my apartment was brand new, good start. So we ride the elevator up, 8th floor, nice savings on the heating bill this winter right? The door opened to a small studio. By small I mean a bedroom disguised as an apartment. Not to mention that the place was empty, apart from the built in desk/ closet/ closet/ refrigerator. Well at least was new. I spent the rest of the day thinking about the clubs in Hongdae and the fact that my twin, Stacey, was in town for one night and I desperately wanted to get away from the situation.

So, we wandered around E-Mart, Homeplus, Homever, back to E-Mart and finally back to my apartment. When I finally kicked my kind and well intentioned hosts out of my apartment like a steak on Friday I had a chair, a toaster oven, a blanket and pillow, and a bed on order. I couldn't have cared less as I jumped in the shower and headed out. More to come...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I Want...

I think those of you who know me well and have kept in touch are aware that I am thoroughly enjoying my time here in Korea. That being said I have been in KOREA for 351 days…that’s right, I counted. I miss some things…I want some things…

…Bean and cheese burrito with salsa verde from Speedy Taco…
…Fresh batch of white rice and a nice ribeye prepared by my Ol Man with some fresh yellow corn on the cob…
…Roast beef, cheddar, mayo and an ice cold coca-cola courtesy of Myrtle Avenue Market or the Mielke’s fridge…
…Lisa Mielke’s world famous Taco Salad with ridiculous amounts of avo…
…Inside out tuna hand roll from Hana, or Tomo…
…Fried chicken breast sandwich from Kipp’s…
…Catfish sandwich from Kipp’s or if it’s late night from the wagon off State Street…
…Norcal microbrew please…Great White, Steelhead, Racer 5, Eye of the Hawk, IPA, seriously I don’t even care…
…Wisco beer please…New Glarus, Leinenkugel's, Capital, seriously I don’t even care…
…In-N-Out Double-Double with grilled onions and crispy fries…
…Fresh guac by me for me…
…Fresh salsa…
…China Buffet in Madison…
…Wisco fish fry…
…Jimmie John’s…
…Los Bagels slug with cream cheese and cucumbers…
…More Speedy…
…Champagne breakfast in Chico…
…There is more…but these choices have clouded my mind…………………………………..

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sunday, February 1, 2009

New Years Revolution. Tokyo Physics.

So the New Year came and then I went to a Roots show really was amazing. In a small venue and in Seoul, it was quite the experience. The crowd was into it and the band was on it. ?uestlove is really quite the entertainer. Dude is big, dude has a big afro and dude can slam on the drums. He has a star quality like one of those people that really awes you. He isn’t even the front-man of the group but he runs it.

Then I went to Japan. I had a lot of expectations and basically I can tell you it was completely different. I feel cities all have their own five senses. What makes a city great is when it has that sixth sense. I mean Tokyo smells different, it looks different, it feels different, it tastes different and it sure as hell sounds different. But Tokyo has that other feel about it. It’s got a little attitude like it’s vibing on you and its growing on you. Not too many places have made me feel like they have an aura. Being in Tokyo is like meeting a famous person when you are young and you still care about famous people.

Caitlin was a top class tour guide. Harajuku, Akihabra, Asukasa, Shibuya, Shinjuku, Roppongi, Kamakura, Yokohama, we did it all. I was into the side streets in Tokyo, they have dope little houses which was good to see because in Seoul it’s mostly cookie cutter giant apartment complexes. Not that they didn’t have those in Tokyo but there were houses, real houses not like American houses but houses nonetheless.

We ate with a couple of Caitlin’s adult students, Eiko and Nobuo. It was at this cool little Okonomiyaki restaurant where you cook these sorts of Japanese pancakes. Actually for those of you who have eaten Korean food they are more like a pajeon. For those of you who haven’t the only real similarity they have with a pancake are that they have batter, into which goes cabbage, veggies, and meat. They give you like 6 different bowls that you mix up yourself and throw on the grill in the middle of the table. They give you a time limit, I think 2 hours, because it’s all you can drink. Caitlin’s student Nobuo was a badass and he was downing Kirin pints like he was getting paid and I was in my own little private battle to keep up with him and no, I couldn’t. We ended up back at Caitlin’s where we packed in and listened to the hilarity that is Eiko.

All in all Japan was a great experience and I look forward to making its acquaintance once again and more thoroughly.

I also made some New Years resolutions. I have never made New Years resolutions before but these aren’t just resolutions they are a personal revolution. That’s dumb.

-Get in shape. Yo, I want a six pack, who doesn’t?

-Write more. I will even put some of it on here so ya’ll can be like “wow, Jon is probably the best/ worst writer I personally know.”

-Stop drinking soda.

-Dress however the f I want.

-Don’t call my dad after any sort of drinking.

-Keep in touch.

Dad, I talk to you almost as much so yeah I will talk to you later too.

Mom, I freaking love you!

Hawaii fam, Eunice, cuzzos!

Jeff, I talk to you all the time so yeah, talk to you tomorrow bro.

Eric, let's have a drink.

Ross, I want to roll over to heavy D’s and hang out with Deeds Jr. Then maybe out to the Strip. Should we sit on the roof and talk about the shit we don’t know anything about or go to the OHR? Ernies, we never got that steak.

Mielke Fam, I can’t wait to family crash on you all this summer.

Oh, and if somehow Cody Flynn reads this shit I love you and your muscles.

Caitlin, you rock it was awesome seeing you again.


Everyone back in California, Wisco, or wherever I think about you all the time…OHR Gals and associates, MARCUS AND PLONSKY! Jeff and Ashley POTTS! DC RACING I WANNA PLAY GOLF SOOO BAD, Rachel, Tress, Kipp, Mike, Kym, Kipp’s Crew, Max, Roberto Stilling, Boston, Jew, Dunt, Thurman, Smyther, Seandra, Karen and Burc, Jay and Katie, Berrey Fam, Burggraf and I love Conner, Stipahoes, Mike T and his girrrl, Tammitha, Coach, All you Chico freakos, Jordo, Ramer, Andrea, Laura, 50 West crew, I basically miss all that Humboldt crew I can’t wait to party with ya’ll again and of course MADTOWN…everyone who reads this. If you feel left out don’t feel bad cuz I love you more.
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